Chipotle stock: Chipotle's shares have been on a tear for 15 years

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A lot of people regret not investing in many of the largest technology companies when they had the chance 10, 15, or 20 years ago. If you have those regrets already you can add Chipotle, the fast casual Mexican restaurant, to the list. Chipotle shares have increased 34x in value since 2006.

Burritos go digital

It's sometimes easy to over-analyse why companies do well. In Chipotle's case they clearly make tasty Mexican food that people want to eat, but they've also been quick to embrace online ordering in recent years. In 2020 Chipotle's digital business grew 174% year-on-year and this week they announced that, for the first time ever, digital sales made up more than half of their total revenue in a quarter.

That news comes a month after Chipotle announced that they had invested in autonomous delivery company Nuro, which "uses robotics in their fleet of on-road, occupantless and autonomous vehicles to deliver everyday consumer goods". If that investment pays off and goes mainstream maybe Chipotle will end up being a tech company after all.

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