Barbie dolls: Sales of the iconic doll have been skyrocketing

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A good year for toys...

Global toymaker Mattel reported 47% growth in its revenues in its most recent quarter, adding to the weight of evidence that it has been a very good 12 months to be a toymaker. With parents struggling to keep kids occupied, while other forms of entertainment have been off limits, physical toys have had something of a resurgence.

... particularly Barbie dolls

One famous brand of toy has done particularly well — sales of Barbie dolls rose 87% in the first 3 months of this year, relative to last year, according to toymaker Mattel. That's more than any other brand in their roster, and is pretty impressive for a product that was first released more than 60 years ago, back in 1959.

As old and simple as the product may be, the marketing strategy for Barbie dolls has become increasingly modern. A more diverse range of models, more digital content and multiple shows on Netflix and YouTube about Barbie and her pals (including boyfriend Ken) have all helped engage with children who are increasingly used to looking at screens.

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