Concrete jungle: Congestion charges could be coming to NYC

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It’s tolls for thee

New York City authorities are putting the finishing touches on what could become America’s first congestion pricing program in history, with plans for a $15 toll on drivers looking to access Manhattan's busiest streets to be introduced as early as next spring.

That $15 figure, which the MTA will vote on next year, was detailed in a draft of the new proposal, with taxi surcharges, half-price fees for motorcyclists, and daily $24 / $36 charges for trucks and non-commuter buses also outlined.


Following other major cities such as London and Singapore, the congestion fees are intended to curb traffic and encourage New Yorkers to catch public transport or use other alternatives to get around the city. Indeed, while pleas from Mayor Eric Adams for workers to return to offices in the city were somewhat successful — depending on what you read — the MTA might be wondering what it will take to get their subway cars and public buses packed out to pre-Covid levels again.

On March 5th, 2020, less than a week before the WHO declared the pandemic, some 5.5 million people took the subway in NYC, while 2.2 million New Yorkers were on the bus, according to MTA ridership data — but figures have struggled to get close to those thresholds ever since. On Tuesday, for example, there were just 3.9 million subway riders and 1.1 million people taking the bus. Car usage, on the other hand, is back to normal, explaining the return of the Big Apple's “insane” gridlock.

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