
Powering down: Electric vehicle sales lose momentum
EV Sports
Uplyft: The ride-hailing company's costly error
Concrete jungle: Congestion charges could be coming to NYC
Cyber Thursday: Tesla's delivering its first Cybertrucks tomorrow
Trolley problems: AI hype has roared ahead of self-driving cars
Waymore miles: Waymo reported more autonomous miles than any other manufacturer
Driving into debt: Americans are falling behind on their car loans.
The long road: As Tesla has gone mainstream, its prices have dropped
Driving profits: Tesla's cash-burning days are behind it
Triple strike: Electrification is an important part of the unprecedented auto workers strike
BYD vs. Tesla: China's EV giant is charging ahead
Pedestrian fatalities: America's roads are getting more dangerous for pedestrians
Traffic is back: Road use quickly rebounded
TheftTok: How viral videos contributed to a spike of car thefts
Aston Martin: The British automaker is still struggling
Elektrisk: EVs are the future... in Norway they're the present
VW dethroned: China has a new favorite car company
Electric avenue: Tesla is set to open up its charging network
V8 dreams: Ferrari's brand is unmatched, but will it thrive in the age of electric?
Supply vs. demand: Tesla is dropping prices
Recall: Tesla's vehicles get recalled a lot, but does it matter?
Past the Prius peak: Toyota's flagship hybrid has struggled recently
Carvana: The online car dealer is struggling
Déjà Vu: Taking stock of inflation in America
Porsche going public: Volkswagen’s plan for the sports car spin-out
Rivian: Revenues are over-rated for the latest hot IPO
Inflation: Prices are rising at their fastest pace for 30 years
Ferrari: The Italian supercar maker is back on top
Tesla delivers: Tesla had a good quarter, despite the global chip shortage
Electric Bugatti: VW Group is giving up control of Bugatti to an electric supercar maker
Ford's big bet: Ford is investing $30bn into electric vehicles, but just how big of an investment is that?
Voltswagen: Volkswagen's PR stunt this week may have been a joke, but its EV strategy is not
Autonomous vehicles: The latest disengagement data reveals Waymo is out in front
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