Subpar: A popular ChatGPT subreddit has lost its spark

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Et tu, reddit?

Even arenas where the most fervent fans of the tech once gathered have started to empty, as consumer enthusiasm looks to be fading. Thousands of posters on the social platform reddit immediately flocked to the forum r/chatgpt, flaunting their interactions with the chatbot and sharing mischievous ways to push its parameters and get the technology to flout its own rules. Comments on the subreddit reached a peak of 5,800 in a single day back in May after a post from a worker expressing dismay at losing their job to AI racked up ~3,000 comments in less than 24 hours.

The forum r/chatgpt now has 2.8 million members, but the rate of growth of new members has slowed, and activity on the subreddit has dwindled. Daily posts now hover around 200-300 and comments have also dropped to roughly half of what they were back in April. Google searches for “chatgpt” have also dropped by roughly half.


Furthermore, many of the most popular posts on the site now seem to be negative about the tool. The most “liked” post from the last month is a meme about how the tool has supposedly been “dumbed down” from the version that was originally released. It seems that, even for ChatGPT superfans, conversation with and around the chatbot could be starting to run a little dry.

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