Link in bio: Linktree is now worth $1.3 billion

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This week Aussie company Linktree announced it had raised a fresh $110m of investment, valuing the company at $1.3 billion.

Link in bio

Those unfamiliar with Linktree specifically might be familiar with the phrase "link in bio". Because many social media platforms want to keep you on their app or website, many don't allow external links to be posted easily. On Instagram for example it's still not possible to post a picture and link to somewhere else on the web.

Hence, "link in bio" refers to a common tactic on social media, in which influencers or brands put links in the bio section of their profile, to drive traffic to their other websites, stores or social media accounts.

Linktree's founders noticed this behavior, and put together an unbelievably simple product - a super simple landing page that could host a bunch of URLs and links. The result was that celebrities, influencers and brands could just put one link in their bio, which itself would then have multiple links to whatever they wanted. That simple product, which admittedly has evolved, is now worth $1.3 billion.

Sometimes the really simple ideas are the best.

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Link in bio: Linktree is now worth $1.3 billion
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