Viva Las Vegas: Normal service is resumed — weddings in Las Vegas are back

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What happens in Vegas...

There have been over 44,000 marriages filed so far in Clark County, Nevada — way more than the 25,200 that had been registered by this point last year, as the pandemic stopped many from tying the knot in Vegas — which (perhaps surprisingly?) — is the wedding capital of the US.

The data shows that, even with international travel still relatively limited, Las Vegas is rebounding strongly — suggesting its lost none of its allure as a vacation (and wedding) destination.

... is a good economic indicator?

Weddings in Vegas might sound like a weird economic indicator, but we'd wager that the number correlates with the local Las Vegas economy, and maybe even the wider US domestic tourism industry.

Wedding season(s)

Of course, it wasn't just Vegas that saw fewer weddings last year. The Wedding Report estimates that the number of weddings in the US fell by around 40% last year, compared to a normal year. But love conquers all and wedding seasons for 2021 and even into 2022 and 2023 are expected to be extra busy (and expensive) as couples finally tie the knot.

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Viva Las Vegas: Normal service is resumed — weddings in Las Vegas are back
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