Amazon vs. Walmart: The tech giant is officially the biggest retailer outside of China, but Walmart is stepping up its own e-commerce efforts

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Walmart goes online

So Walmart was a bit slow to invest in e-commerce seriously, but if they've been playing catch-up they've been playing it pretty well in the last couple of years. Like pretty much every other retailer, Walmart's online business got a shot in the arm last year, with e-commerce sales rising 97%.

Although things are slowing down this year (growing just 6% year-on-year) Walmart says the company is still on track to do $75bn in online sales this year, which is pretty meaningful.

Walmart is even beginning to directly compete with Amazon's (and others) rapid delivery options, launching an Express Delivery option last year that claims to get groceries and other items to your door in 2 hours or less.

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