The vaccine race: The latest data on vaccination programmes around the world

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COVID-19 vaccination programmes around the world are starting to take off, per the latest data from Our World In Data.

Of the late bloomers, Canada's effort has been one of the most impressive. After a slow start, the country has now administered 108 doses per 100 people, meaning that they are well underway into their second round of doses. The EU has also caught up, and is now up to 88 doses per 100 people.

Slowing up

The early leader in the vaccine race — Israel — has seen its rollout slow substantially. Similarly the US, which for a time was vaccinating at a remarkable rate, has slowed — suggesting there remains a decent level of vaccine scepticism across the country. In the UK the rate has slowed but not as dramatically, with Prime Minister Boris Johnson looking to remove most restrictions on July 19th (in England at least).

Spectatorless Olympics

Japan's vaccination drive is another that's now hitting its stride, with the country now having administered 42 doses per 100 people. Unfortunately, that level hasn't been enough to save the atmosphere at the Olympic Games. With the games just 2 weeks away Japan has declared a state of emergency, which in turn has lead to Olympics organizers banning all spectators from attending the games in Tokyo.

To find data on a specific country or region not shown here we recommend checking out the full dataset from Our World In Data.

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