
Plastic unfantastic: How much plastic actually gets recycled?
Classics vs. coding: STEM subjects have been catching up with Humanities
Subjects to change: Majors in Humanities have been sliding in recent years
Ripe for disruption: A new type of avocado has emerged
Scaling up: Ozempic's become the most in-demand diabetes drug in the US
Take evasive action: Satellites are having to avoid collisions a lot more than they used to
Space race: Blue Origin just won a major contract with NASA
Whole Again: The ozone layer is healing
Nobel efforts: Sequencing human genomes is getting cheaper
Theranos: The rise and fall of a company that promised to change the world
More extreme, more often: How global warming makes extreme events more likely
The vaccine race: The latest data on vaccination programmes around the world
Twins: Twins are a lot more common than they used to be
CO2 in the air: Carbon dioxide concentration in our atmosphere has hit a new high
Vaccine effectiveness: How do the COVID-19 vaccines compare to vaccines for other diseases?
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