
iLobby: Apple, like the rest of big tech, wants to change the rules
Conscious uncoupling: Foreign investment in China turned red in 2023
Election season: 2024 is set to be a record year for voters around the world
Sum of departs: Immigration policy is front-and-centre
Neither: A third party option is an increasing preference for voters
Big spenders: Splashing cash is usually a good strategy
Follow the money: Where campaign finances are spent
Campaign financing: Elections are a marathon and a sprint
Ruling: The Supreme Court's latest decisions
Nuclear nerves: As a global nuclear power, instability in Russia comes with added complications
International Women's Day: Charting global gender inequality
The slow track: America's immigration court backlog keeps building
Start your engines: The '24 election cycle has begun
I O U: Visualizing federal spending after Biden's State of the Union
Crooked: Plotting the latest Corruption Perceptions Index
TikTok: US lawmakers are probing the world's most addictive app, again
Raise the roof: The federal government has hit its debt ceiling... again
Midterm turnout: America is heading to the polls
Trusst issues: Charting the briefest British premiership
Sterling slide: What's happening with the UK economy, in 4 charts
Gerontocracy: America's Congress is the oldest it's ever been
70 years: Queen Elizabeth's remarkable reign, in context
Elevator down, stairs up: US employment is back to where it was pre-pandemic
Johnson's departure: The state of the resig-nation
Roe v. Wade: The landmark abortion ruling could be overturned
15 years of Merkel: After a decade-and-a-half as German chancellor, Angela Merkel is leaving quite a legacy
The Trump bump: The Trump bump is fading for media companies
Lobbying: Big tech are the biggest spenders in Washington now
Brexit: The "B" word is back in the spotlight, as UK exports to the EU fell sharply in January
A year in tweets: We look back on the last year with data from Twitter
50 years of US unemployment: Biden has inherited the reins of a fragile economy — we get some historical context
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