The Trump bump: The Trump bump is fading for media companies

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Cable news, both left-leaning and right-leaning, is finding something to talk about other than who is sat in the White House.

Data from the Stanford Cable TV News Analyzer, which uses AI to track and detect different faces in TV footage, reveals that so far during his presidency Joe Biden has averaged around 31 hours a month of screen time on cable TV. That's well below the 55 hours a month that Donald Trump averaged when he was sitting in the Oval Office.

The "Trump bump" fades

This data is consistent with what Axios has found in a recent study — that partisan and strongly ideological media companies have been struggling for readership in 2021. According to Axios, both right-leaning and left-leaning outlets have seen anything from 15-40% drops in monthly traffic.

The well-documented "Trump bump" that media companies enjoyed for much of the last few years is officially fading.

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