Build a following: Lego's become a master of modern marketing

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Build a following

Another brick in the wall of Lego’s success story is the brand’s presence on social media. Lego accounts on Instagram and YouTube have 9.5 million and 16.6 million followers, respectively, with Lego’s Facebook (14m likes) and Twitter (1m followers) also popular — no small feat when you consider that a children’s toy has this following on platforms that (in theory) don’t permit those below 13-years-old from making accounts.

Lego your own way

Lego produces unique content for all of its social channels tailored to the different platforms. The company’s YouTube channel features plenty of building, gaming, and how-its-made content, while its Instagram and Facebook pages mainly focus on personal stories, trends, and celebrity features.

Lego’s presence on Twitter and Facebook is also segmented into the most famous factions of the Lego-verse: Lego NinJago, Lego Marvel Game, and Lego Batman Movie are just some examples of accounts that Lego has whipped up to distribute specific content. The launch of Lego Ideas in 2008, where users can submit concepts for new Lego products, is a social media strategy that’s since been copied by numerous brands (including us… send us your chart ideas!).

Everything is awesome

Despite an increasing number of complaints about the rising cost of Lego and the lack of sustainability of the plastic toys, which aren't biodegradable, surveys and rankings show the Lego brand remains almost universally loved and trusted — a rare thing in the often-polarizing modern world.

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Build a following: Lego's become a master of modern marketing
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