Everest: It's busy on the world's highest mountain

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Not so lonely at the top

A record number of climbing permits being issued for Mount Everest this year may sound like a positive sign that thrill seekers are back out seizing the day, but locals and trekking experts pointed to the 478 issuances as a key reason behind 2023 being the deadliest season in years.

In response to criticism over the permits, Nepal’s Department of Tourism claimed that basecamp officials and doctors were “well prepared to cope with the crowd”. However, with 12 confirmed fatalities and 5 climbers declared missing this season, the government conceded it would be considering tighter regulations moving forward.

New peaks

There have been over 11,000 summits since the first successful ascent of Everest in 1953, a British effort where a mammoth team of 350 porters and 20 Sherpas supported just 10 climbers, with those numbers really rising since the turn of the century. While that’s been good for the Nepalese tourist board and local industry — climbing Earth’s highest peak can cost you anywhere from ~$45k-$75k according to some estimates — the climbing figures can make the ascent more dangerous.

In 2019, an estimated 877 mountaineers made it to the top of Everest — a tally reflected not only in a viral photo of people snaking their way up the mountainside, but also in the perils which faced climbers. Although there are no estimates yet for the number of successful ascendants in 2023, the danger of the season and the record permits suggest it won’t have been lonely at the top.

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