uRobot: How are Americans feeling about the impact of AI?

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AI'll be fine

Whether it’s art, music, code, photos or text, hardly a day goes by without a new piece of AI technology making the news, leaving us all to wonder what the world will look like in 5, 10 or 20 years time.

A report by Goldman Sachs suggested that AI could replace ~300mfull-time jobs, and OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, says that as many as 80% of US workers could see at least some of their tasks taken over by large-language models. So, how do workers themselves feel about this new world of AI?


A recent Pew Research survey of over 11,000 US adults revealed that a strong majority of respondents (62%) believe that AI will have a major impact on workers generally over the next 20 years. However, only 28% of those surveyed believed that AI would have a major impact on them personally, with 35% expecting only a minor impact to themselves.

Overall, more of the respondents expect AI to be a negative. Some 32% believe that AI will be more harmful than helpful to workers generally — again more than the 15% who think they themselves will be personally affected in a negative way.

Interestingly, this survey was conducted in December 2022, only a month after the launch of ChatGPT-3 — before Microsoft's AI-powered Bing, Google's chatbot Bard, and OpenAI's even more advanced model, GPT-4, were released.

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