Star power: Ryan Reynolds strikes gold... again

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Show business

Ryan Reynolds, chiefly known for starring roles in global megahit movies like Deadpool and Red Notice, has struck gold — again — as T-Mobile is set to spend $1.35 billion acquiring the actor’s budget cell service Mint Mobile.

Reynolds purchased a stake, said to be around 25%, in Mint back in 2019 and he’s been pretty instrumental in getting the brand’s name out there ever since, starring in a series of popular ads for the company — like this one written by ChatGPT.

The Reynolds effect

It’s surprising the Canadian star has had any time to devote to his acting in the last few years, as he's been kept busy with a portfolio of wide-ranging investments in everything from alcohol to software.

Using his star power and social media savvy, Reynolds has boosted the profile of a number of companies he has a stake in to great effect. Aviation Gin, which Reynolds promoted heavily, was acquired for $610m in 2020, freeing up Reynolds to get involved with Wrexham AFC, a soccer team in the fifth-tier of the English league. That journey has since been turned into a documentary, co-produced by Reynolds and Rob McElhenney.

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Star power: Ryan Reynolds strikes gold... again
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