You can't handle the TRUTH

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This week former president Donald Trump launched his latest venture - a social media platform, TRUTH Social, to take on big tech.

TRUTH Social users will be able to post "Truths" on the "Truth Feed", with the design fairly clearly modeled on Twitter, president Trump's preferred platform where he had almost 89 million followers before his account was permanently banned.

Even with the backing of an ex-president TRUTH Social is entering what is already an intensely competitive social media scene. This chart, which we first published last year, shows the Google search volume for selected platforms. It gives a decent sense of when each platform was generating its "peak buzz" on Google. Above all else it shows that getting some traction is hard, but keeping it going is even harder.

With that in mind, most notable on this chart is the ongoing rise of Reddit and TikTok. Both are being searched for more than they ever have been on Google — while Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram (a bit) are all below their peak search interest.

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