Lululemon: The company has been in the right place at the right time... for quite a while

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Right place, right time...

This week apparel brand Lululemon announced that they had grown revenue more than 60% year-on-year in their latest quarter — leaving the company on track to bring in more than $6bn in total this year.

That growth may not surprise anyone familiar with Lululemon's product range — which has had yoga pants and comfortable "athleisure wear" at its core for many years — as the pandemic was a boon for elasticated waistbands, sweatpants and other comfy items (like Crocs).

... for 16 years

LULU may have gotten a pandemic boost, but even in the 15 years BC (before COVID) the company was growing like crazy, riding the leisurewear trend and combining it with aspirational marketing and a limited supply of some of its most popular items.

Based on the financial data we could find (going back to 2005) we found that Lululemon has averaged revenue growth of 37% a year for 16 years — booking a net profit in every single one of those years except the first. Yoga pants are serious business.

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