Texas temperatures: Just how unusual are these temperatures in Texas?

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The winter storm that has gripped Texas and much of the middle of the United States is truly a once-in-a-generation phenomenon. According to data from the National Weather Service, the Dallas-Fort Worth area has seen some of its lowest temperatures in almost a century as temperatures plummeted to around 4°F (-16°C). Indeed, you have to go all the way back to 1933, and before that 1905, for temperatures that got as low as they are now in the DFW area.

In Texas that weather has caused blackouts across the state with more than 4 million people having been left without power, and has caused at least 25 deaths. With the extreme weather set to last until the weekend, that number is sadly likely to rise.

Outside of Texas, an incredible 73% of the United States is now reportedly covered in snow, and more than 150 million Americans are under winter storm warnings. Stay safe and warm Chartr readers.

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