Stranger Things: Netflix has a mega-hit on its hands... now it just needs a few more

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Netflix needs a few more Stranger Things

Data out this week suggested that new Netflix subscribers were cancelling their subscriptions at higher rates than competitors — a rare thing for the streaming giant that has historically held onto its subscribers better than rivals.

That's just the latest piece of bad news for Netflix, which has had a terrible year so far, and it heaps the pressure on the second part of Stranger Things 4 that's coming out today.

Stranger Things 4 has become Netflix's most widely viewed show and has even catapulted the earlier seasons of Stranger Things into Netflix's global top 10 lists (visualized above). In fact as of today each of the four series of the show have spent the last month or so inside the top 10 for English TV titles, as viewers catch up on previous seasons.

A global mega-hit like Stranger Things is exactly what Netflix needs after the company announced that it had lost subscribers for the first time ever earlier this year. The problem is Netflix needs another few mega-hits considering it spent $17bn on content just last year.In that context, Netflix's decision to hold back the final 2 episodes of Stranger Things makes a lot more sense — anyone looking to cancel might just wait those extra few weeks.

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