Venture funding doubled last year in the US

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Venture capital poured $330 billion dollars into US start-ups last year, almost doubling the total from 2020, according to the latest data from Pitchbook.

That means the VC landscape has grown more than 7x in the last decade.

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Much of that funding went to later-stage start-ups, who have demonstrated some kind of traction or product-market fit. That has meant a host of new "unicorns" (start-ups valued at more than $1bn), which has taken the total number of unicorns to more than 900+.

The market has been so hot that some lucky start-ups don't even need to spend much time fundraising... because they are the ones being pitched to. That has meant company valuations of 100x annual revenue in the extreme cases (or more)... which would probably sound like a joke to a time traveling investor from 2010.

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Venture funding doubled last year in the US
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