Video games vs. box office: Which is a bigger market?

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Video games vs. the box office

The chart above gives some context on just how big the video game biz is. Last year the video game industry was pegged at somewhere around $180bn by Newzoo. That's roughly ten times what the global movie industry brought in at the box office last year. Ten times. Admittedly last year the movie industry was still dealing with a pandemic hangover, but even in its best ever year the box office only brought in $39bn.Video games may not carry the same cultural impact of movies yet, but as a market they are in a completely different league.

Mobile making moves

Mobile games, that is games played on a smartphone or tablet, have grown so quickly over the last decade that they are now bigger than console and PC games combined.

Zynga's pivot to mobile is a great example of a company that's been flexible to its rapidly changing surroundings. Mobile games almost killed the company off, now they're the reason it just got bought for $12.7bn.

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