Skipping class: Chinese students are looking beyond the US

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In 2015, almost 275,000 visas were granted to Chinese students to come and study in the US. Since then, however, the numbers have dropped precipitously, with new data out this week showing that just 31,055 F-1 visas were granted to Chinese students in the first half of this year. That's less than 50% of the number granted in 2019 for the same time period.

Skipping class

Chinese students ditching American higher education is a concern for schools that have come to rely on the income from international students who usually pay substantially higher out-of-state tuition fees.

How much of the drop is down to rising tensions between the countries, visa rule changes or lasting impacts of the pandemic is unclear, but there has been a definitive shift in attitudes amongst prospective students. A survey in 2015 found that 51% of Chinese students cited the US as their top destination for study — a similar survey from last year found just 30% said the same.

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