A bit of both: Most employees want hybrid work

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The future of work

Every week new tensions crop up at companies — big and small — all around the world over one key question: what's the right balance between fully in-office and fully at-home for employees?

I want to WFH (sometimes)

We've summarized the conclusions of a great survey from Gallup in the chart above, and the conclusions are pretty straightforward — most people want a little bit of both.

Pre-pandemic, just 8% of remote-capable jobs were actually done exclusively from home, a proportion that has jumped almost 5x, to 39%, as of February of this year.

But interestingly, most employees surveyed — 59% to be exact — would actually prefer a hybrid working arrangement, which is more than the 32% that would like to be exclusively remote, and way ahead of the 9% that would like to be fully on-site.

Go deeper: check out the Gallup study.

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A bit of both: Most employees want hybrid work
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