Netflix is raising prices... again

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Netflix and chill is not immune to inflation. This week the streaming giant announced that the cost of its monthly plans are set to rise. Netflix's premium package, which gives you 4K quality and more screens, is now set to cost almost $20 a month.

Thanks to some great historical research from our friends at The Verge, we can see that the premium package price is now up 66% since 2013, when it was just ~$12 / month.

The bigger picture

We've charted before about how Netflix is running out of places to grow its subscriber base. In the US & Canada growth has slowed down to a trickle — meaning that Netflix has to find other ways to boost its revenue there. Price rises are the easiest.

A 10% price rise might cause a few cancellations, but it's unlikely to be anywhere near the same proportion of their customers which means this won't be the last Netflix price hike.

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Netflix is raising prices... again
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