Gas money: Fears of a crisis grow in Europe, as gas prices shoot up

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Gas money

The price of natural gas in Europe, and across the world, has shot up in the last few weeks, as fear of a gas crisis grows. In some markets that has meant a doubling or even tripling of the price of natural gas over the course of the last few months.

Much of Europe remains dependent on gas imports to heat their homes and generate electricity, but supply disruptions in Russia, Norway and other countries have failed to adequately replenish Europe's stores of gas, which are currently just over 70% full, which is not where you want them heading into the coldest months of the year.

This time last year, and in 2019, they were almost completely full (95%).

Double trouble

The UK has had a particularly tough time. Roughly 25% of the UK's electricity comes from wind and the last few weeks just... haven't been that windy. That's meant extra demand for gas, which has exacerbated the supply issues further - and put 4 smaller energy providers on the brink of collapse.

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Gas money: Fears of a crisis grow in Europe, as gas prices shoot up
I O U: A lot. Signed, Evergrande
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